9 December 2015

Waiting for the rain

I'm waiting for the rain,
Waiting on the thunder.

We laughed and cried,
Held each other close.

Never had I ever slept so well,
As when  I was with you.

But it wasn't going to last,
Here was not for you.

My arms were warm,
But it was my wallet you wanted.

I loved you with all my heart,
But that was never enough.

I'm  lost now,
And you are nowhere.

I'm waiting for the rain,
To hide the tears I wish to cry.

Waiting on the thunder,
So no one can hear me leave.

27 November 2015

Endless Assault

Endless Assault

The concept is this,

   -Top down space shooter, using the wsad/mouse for movement and aim respectivly.

   -Pre-generated universe, Idealy suited in on the galaxy Start small and expand out as needed?
   Im thinking 30 maybe fourty star systems to start, SOL included.
Maps can always be expanded, though we would have to be mindful that there is infact only so much space we should allow.

   -Three teams,
        Children of Terra       
            Round desings
            Missle Focus
            Sheild focus
        Pointy bastards       
            Triangular designs / wide
            Beam focus
            Speed focus
            Blocks! / Long
            Cannon focus
            Hull focus
            Lower teir - haphazard style
            Higher Teir - sleek and sexy
            Multi-target weapons
            Numbers over defensive focus
            Can change to lower teir ships as they are destroyed. They come apart so to speak.

    Player Ships
        Player ships have only general weight designations
        there are a lot of ways to specialize and grow designs to player taste
            Two free hangar slots 
            Five max hangar slots
            Short respawn times
            Very low rebuild costs
            Cannot be docked with
            Can dock with anything
            One free hangar
            Three hangar slots max
            Medium respawn times times
            Can be docked with
            Two players max
            Two max Hangar slots
            Long respawn times
            Two dock slots
            Specialist crafts that have specific design purposes not matching their weight classifications
            Three max hangar slots
            Longest respawn times
            Usually, but not always, needs docked player to be effective

   - Three main systems to drop points into
            Lock speed/reticle
        Sheilds    + max
            projectile resist
        Hull          +max
            Weight Reductions?
            Point defence
        Speed      +Accel
            Disable Res
        Molecular forge   -Storage capacity
            Processing speed
            Ammo construction efficiency
            Armor repair efficiency
        Generators        - Energy capacity
            Production efficiency
            Passive drain efficiency
            Cloak fields       
        Sensors           -Radarrange/veiw
            Cloak Detection
            AI efficiency

Game engine                    Unity
Server softtware?              Still no idea yet.

Characername > Shipnames

19 November 2015

Bring on the Sun

Bring on the Sun 
And let it shine on forever.

Bring on the sun
Let the light reclaim
And the world know warmth

This night has been long
It will be longer yet
But it will end

Desire has little sway here
Hopes and dreams
Both amount to nothing 

The night reigns on
Reaching out far and wide
Grasping at every edge

Lights burning away in the dark
Fading to the unyielding black
Lost before the morning rises

My fire is spent
Darkness rushes in
And the night is cold

I no longer have the strength 
No hope for a brighter tomorrow
This is where it ends

Let it be the start of something new
Give us a new dawn
Bring on the sun

21 October 2015

One small step...

One small step... For man, One giant leap for mankind
We don't know for certain where we found our moon. But she is ours now.

She came to me silently
Unknown from the deepest dark

Fell upon my existance
And changed the world I am

And at the end of her rage
I have you to remember her

Stole the sky and made it yours
And now my sky is yours alone.

My dearest moon in the night
Gentle light riding the dark.

Yours is the strength that keeps me
Turnin round with a firm balance.

And my strength is within a storm
Just waiting for when you are lost.

But I know that I keep you here.
I am the chains that bind you

And now I cannot imagine myself without you
The stars are lost to me now.

BBC Earth : This is a lot more sciencey than my poem.

17 October 2015

With every beggining

With every beginning. 
A story will begin to unfold.

The walls have stood for too long,
Ages have come and gone,
And time has left its mark.

The first cracks meant nothing,
Nor the second or third.
But the sum of all will.

Strength spent in ages past,
Comes to a silent end,
And then the wall falls.

No sooner than the first stone lands,
All what has been kept away is free,
And comes rushing in in waves.

The collected fears,
Long forgotten dreams,
Bittersweet pain.

All things come to an end.

14 October 2015


A rainbow has all the colors you need.

Words are but paint
For the painter that cannot
Often inexplicably large in use
Ending simple in execution
Drawing what pigments could not
Pushing forward an idea without image
Creating a circle by using circles
And whereupon calling it art
To be heard and not seen
Lifted from pages to soar.
If not for the viewer
Tis only art for the smith
But for whom else should the words sing
So take hold of your brush
And paint.

20 September 2015

Lost Vibrations

For Jessi,
But I still hope, sincerly so, that everything is working out for you.

Today I realized that I no longer know the sound of your voice.
                                           It hurts in a way painfully unsure.

I don't know if it's because
                                           I've lost the sounds.

Or if it is that if you wanted me to know it,
                                           You would have call on me.

I never wanted to let go of your love,
                                            I lost that long ago.

I thought I could at least keep you in memory,
                                            But it seems I am to loose that too.

And it hurts in ways,
                                            I simply cannot describe.

22 April 2015

Lost hope

Every step taken is in the wrong direction.
Every accomplishment means nothing.
Every bite of every meal is tasteless.
And nothing can quench my thirst.

I can see no light at the end.
It's all just muddled in grey.
Lifeless landscape ahead.
And only ashes remain behind me.

I can't go back.
I know that.
what I want isn't there.
But I still want to.

Left holding tightly onto dreams.
Broken beyond repair.
Marching forward
Because it's all I can do.

Help me live again.

7 March 2015

What kills me

Anything worth doing is never easy.

It is not the sound of your voice
Nor it is the lack of it
I know what I am without.

It isn't the sight of you with him
Or even that I do not see you
But I dream that I will.

It isn't the lack of warmth in my bed
Even if it was sometimes too much
I'm lucky if decent sleep finds me.

It isn't even the subtle smells left in your wake
Not even the rare unpleasant smells
I can only describe yours as comfortable.

But it is having to watch you walk away
And knowing you won't look back
That kills me.

16 February 2015

Just breathe

Just breathe.
There's a better world
Just on the other side of today
Without this suffering
Where the skies reign forever blue
But without the first step
There will never be any end
I will do what must be done

12 February 2015


We build great castles
To safegaurd our treasures 

Resolute guardians
To do what we cannot

Fires burn brightly against the night
Pushing back the deep dark

But change is unyielding
And cracks can only grow

Time keeps on slipping away
Taking strength with it 

Burdens will become too great
Foundations will crumble

And when the walls fall away
Our fears are laid bare

And with nothing left to hold them
Dreams fall away.

10 January 2015

October thirty first

It was your birthday.

I did not forget
The memory stands with me
I watched as it came near
And as it was left behind.
I've said nothing
This is what was asked of me
Looking towards tomorrow
I don't know what is to follow.
There is no joy here
Only silence remains
But I do not regret
It simply is what it is.
I am not powerless to change
But this isn't mine
Not my place to change the world
This is yours alone.