19 December 2013

without Regret

 without Regret
The one thing we never get enough of is what we never give enough of. Love.

With my eyes I have seen it.
My ears heard the sound
And with my hands I have touched it
But with my heart I felt it true.

I will journey the heavens
Climb any mountain
Swim across every ocean
And wander though every valley.

I will let nothing stop me
No distance is great enough
No barriers built tall enough
No amount of suffering will cage me.

Pain will only drive me forward
Warnings will go unheeded
And passion will be the wind upon my back
I will not yeild.

Barriers before me will be torn down
Challangers will be overcome
And obstacles will be thrown aside
Within my wake destruction will remain.

When the last champion has fallen
When the world is on it's knees
And has finaly surrendered you to me
When you are mine.

I will hold you tightly in my arms.
I will tell you of my love for you
I will give you the world
And then I will set you free.

16 November 2013


Color it however you like

If I have no words to share
Then today is not terrible,
Though I may have no ideas to give
This day must not be amazing.

In this silence
Lies not every day,
And within the chorus
We hold entirely too few days. 

Our memories are kept
Holding the music heard,
And forgotten are moments
Abandoned to be without.

Life is not so complicated
That we exist only at our lowest,
Nor are we so terribly amazing
For us to only stand at the peaks.

We just are
For all that we are worthy,
It's just life
And that's all it's meant to be.

12 November 2013

Dreams and memories

I found myself wandering, but without destination.
No idea of where I was, but I was absolutely certain of the truth.
And then, there she was.
She came to me, and I accepted her I to my embrace.

"I miss you." she said quietly.
"I know." I replied.
"But I'm happy to be away from you."
"I know." I said again.
"Please don't ever leave me." she cried into my chest.
"I'll never leave you."

And then I was awake from my dream, and since that night I have not drempt of her.

Dream well, Krisalyn.

1 November 2013


Just be yourself

Let the demons in.
Denying them will only ruin you
And while you busy yourself with running
You only loose sight of yourself.
And they will always be at your heel
You need not love them
They are not here for that
This is the black of your world
That which resists the light
And tears you down 

Though you may not win
When you stand to fight
Your light must outshine them
Reclaim the shadows they cast
Rebuild yourself anew.

Face yourself in the darkest light
Fight to be who you want to be
Accept the darkness as yours
And then let yourself shine
With the all the radiance of your soul

Let the demons in
Return them to yourself
Become again everything you are
And there will never again be fear
Show me the demons that you've got

22 October 2013


For one Katzen. There's a future out there somewhere.

I have loved you for an age
And I will love you in the next
Nothing will ever change this
Though there is no song on the wind
Nor is there any warmth for the cold
Not even a shadow remains
The path you took is long lost
No lights to guide me
This was your choice
Nare to be seen again
You are lost to me

Memories are all that remain
A heavy burden to bear
A part of me forever more
This is not a weakness
Though it will never be strength
It simply is what it is
So I will sing my own song
Let it fill the wind behind my journey
I will shine my own light
And bring warmth where I can
This is the path I chose

To continue is the greatest challenge
So simple and still so insurmountable
Yet I have done so for so long
Without even knowing how I have
Or even how far I have gone
To turn back is tempting
To hold you is intoxocating
But long ago I had to let go
Your love once graced me
But I am without you now
And I will never be any less.

20 October 2013


Get ready.
Dawns first light draws an end to slumber
And so we force ourselves from the safety of our beds
Rally ourselves together and prepare for what lies ahead.
The real world is waiting for us with all her glorious shit
But she'll have to wait cause the coffee is good and hot.
With determination in hand its time to venture past the front door
And find our way to where we must be
Put out every fire we find and line up all the ducks
Bring a touch of organization to chaos
Or maybe even create a little bit of beauty where there was none
Onward and upwards we'll drive ourselves
Well fight as long as we must
And welcome the freedom to scurry back home
Strip away the thoughts of work and life
Fill ourselves with a hot meal and attempt to unwind from it all
Eventually we fall exhausted back into our beds
And finally give in to a long awaited sleep

10 October 2013

If you don't read it, then it never happened.

So why do I write?
All these scrawlings that if not here, would most certainly be on the walls if not lost to papers in books, never to be seen in the light of day. I'm clearly not in it for money,  I have yet to submit any of this delusional grandeur of mine to even be reviewed.

I have also watched the faces of people as they read what I write, and of what I have to say.
Watching the gears begin to turn as ideas and images are constructed and examined, to having my choice of words torn apart.
That is something I do enjoy.

But even that is not the reason why.
Some of my work I will admit is to garner opinions from terribly specific people. And everything else. Is for my own selfish reasons. I create because o enjoy creating. Bearing my soul unto a project and making it mine. If anyone else enjoys it, please by all means. Knock yourself out.

But this is for me. I cannot communicate myself as elegantly as I desire. I fail to stop and consider the world around me and simply go with the flow of mine hearts desire.
This has not always been within my favor.
Worse still. I am finding with age that I grow more frequently tied between my thoughts and actually voicing them.

But this is freedom here. On this wall I can bring to fruit the thoughts I cannot elsewise create or share.
Sometimes it is a cage of my own design. Others it's just the wind beneath my wings.
The why is simpler than all this textual diarrhea though.

It's simply because it's what I can do.
I don't need to be the best. But I get to be me.

Where else in the world does one get the same kind of freedom?


Don't look for the trees

A dream, a goal, a state of being.
But what is freedom but a dream?
It cannot be grasped yet will grace your skin.
It cannot be claimed but it can be given.
Everlasting and usually a lie.
Making it yours will cost the freedom of another.
What is it then but a curse?
Lest you are of vile character.
So what then is one to do for freedom.
It can be won from a life of trials.
Hardship, dedication and sacrifice.
But this is more of a prize than the freedom sought.
Freedom is given.
Given freely from the heart,
From one troubled soul to another.
For no reason beyond simply
Because I want to.

21 September 2013

Here comes the sun

Here comes the sun.
 Let no shadow of the night claim you.

Here's comes the sun
The moment awaits
And so does the light.

This is a world too far lost
Embraced only in shadow
All is shapeless.

I will stand before the dawn.
I may not have the strength to bear it
But I shall not fear.

The night gives way
Warmth fills the land
And light claims the world.

Nothing is as it seemed
But now is the time
I will not falter.

The radiance burns
Digging deep into my soul
Tearing me free of the world.

Unbound from yesterday
I rise to join the star
Never again will I yield to the night

18 September 2013

Fade away.

Fade away
It's a choice, And it's always just a moment away.

 This world is interconnected
Almost inescapably connected to itself.

And so are we
The connected people
Tied to the world we have made.

Cages made for ourselves
Both by our own hands
And the hands of those we are surrounded by
And it's all of us that maintain the prison.

And so it will not fail to amaze
At just how amazingly frail that it is
Something built and maintained
By so many eager participants

Yet it is nothing more than whispers
Carried along by little more than the wind
And it's even easier to escape.

Just turn it off and walk away
Let everything fade away.

30 August 2013


For Christian. Everything starts somewhere.

A spark has been given life
And from it a fire will grow,
Changing everything it touches.

Quickly taking root
Spreading its tendrils unseen
Seeking a new dawn.

To fight against the fire
Is to trade everything that could be
For nothing more.

Accepting it however
Is trading everything we do know
For something unknown.

Change is the path unknown
The one that can bring us down
Or have us transcend beyond our limit.

With change we may become more
It may also just leave us destroyed
It is for us to choose what change becomes.

31 July 2013


Tread softly around the dreams of others, so that they may go undisturbed.

Here I once stood upon the precipice overlooking the world.
A climb demanding of every strength I could muster.
And just as my dream was to be realized.
Everything was torn from my grasp.
Falling deep into nothingness.
Left only with hate.

Thusly so I forged it.
Collected every trace visible.
Left no stone unmolested in my search.
To craft my vengeance into something truly violent
That which cannot be taken nor last beyond its purpose.
And so I will rise to the sky riding wings of burning crimson.

Lo I find you constructing your empire atop the ruins of my dream.
There will be no mercy for any who dared tread here.
Fire will consume everything you have touched.
None will be allowed a chance to escape.
Nothing will remain of your endeavor.
This will be no victory for me.

When you are again nothing.
And you stand at best beneath me.
All you are is lost to my incandescent rage.
Fires can not last eternal with nothing worthy to burn.
You and your vain dreams will never again amount to anything.
With only vengeance had, I will return to the sky with wings born of ash.

30 June 2013


This is just the beggining

This is my offering
My sword and my shield
This is what stands resolute
Between myself and nothing.

This adventure is mine
I know only of my own wish
About any others I am afraid
That I can only comfirm ignorance.

In passing I stop to study
Every dent and scrape
Seasoned in travels
The story their sheild bears

And compare it with their weapon
The nicks and scores
And how much it was needed
Or has not been used.

But not to match it with mine
The past may be wonderous
But my future does not wait
I must walk my path.

And untill the last step
I will carve into my tools
A story that is my own
For you to loose yourself within.

31 May 2013

For those that fight

I have seen greatness fall
And mediocrity rise.
Lo and behond the world as result.

Ruin grows unchecked.
All while oasis fade away.
This is the path chosen.

Heroes put to trial.
Villians sitting upon the throne.
Unseen commons left to decline.

This is the world.
The one we endure.
It was not our choice.

Grasp your mediocrity.
Tear it limb from limb.
Rebuild it into greatness.

Find the ruins of yester.
Build it into the oasis of morrow.
Make it your path.

Rally your legion.
Conquer the decay.
Rise to be the hero.

Free the world.
One we can rejoice in.
I will see greatness rise again.

30 April 2013

Nothing will ever be the same again.

I feel it now as I will feel it always.
Carved upon my heart.
This place is yours.

A feeling I do not regret.
In what now seems to be another life.
But even without you.

I am reminded of my mortality.
There is no time to squander.
Still, your memory lingers here.

These dreams that will not fade.
Demanding a new future.
Betraying the cold truth.

Still collecting the pieces of a past broken.
To sculpt todays anew.
Bringing warmth into the cold.

Granting brilliance to new days.
No borders left unknown.
I know this warmth.

Even with this space empty.
It is still overflowing.
With thoughts of you.

23 March 2013

Viridian dreams

Viridian dreams
Forever moving forward.

Viridian blooms
Colors burst to life,
Joy fills the skies.

And then as the summertide rises
Life flourishes boldly,
Song graces the land.

Fearless for the future
A promise is made,
Sealed with a scarlet kiss.

White takes flight
Bringing endless serenity,
Laying to rest a weary world.

And then once again,
                          Viridian blooms.

28 February 2013


For the promises we hold in our hearts.

Forged from fire,
Resting within the cold.
A promise made,
A promised sealed.

This steel dagger,
A blending of two metals,
This union,
Of you and I.

Your name on one side,
Mine on the other.
Forever together,
Yet we are not.

As you happened upon my world.
This metal has been granted life.
Given to my hands to create.
Us within grasp.

The knife surrendered,
The blade within my hand.
Peircing into the flesh that forged it,
The hilt held in offering.

My promises for us,
My promises for you.
Married with this edge,
Granted only to you.

Pulled from my world,
Crimson red flows free.
Heartache and fear,
Sealed within this scar.

Our blade is yours now.
To do with as you desire.
You are bound to nothing,
This shall be my oath to you.

The freedom is yours,
Yours to destroy me,
To destroy our world,
Or to create something new.

The metal is nothing,
It's creation means everything.

31 January 2013


May we all love our creations so.

With my eyes closed
The canvas takes to the stage
Anything and everything starts here
Paint without reservation
Perfect your own world
Go beyond the begginings
Unto edges unkown
Hold back nothing
And grant everything
The result is yours
With this design in hand
Open yourself to the world

Trace upon it your dream.