31 December 2012

On new years Eve.

On new years Eve.
Take it into your own hands.

There are no words to give in thanks of time past.
No prayer for the time to follow.
We cannot exist outside of now.

Looking back nothing has changed.
And looking ahead shows little will.
Time itself never changes. 

The earth spins.
Our sun burns.
And we die.

Time will carry us to the end.
It is up to us to build the tomorrows.
And thus forever more is ours to claim. 

Legacy is our birthright.
Given by those that have walked the path.
For those whom will walk their own. 

Even when there is nothing left for us.
Eternity as our witness.
Never more are we to simply fall away.

30 November 2012


Welcome, to my heart of darkness

Welcome to my heart.
Pure as the black of night,
There are no guards to stop you,
Simply because I will consume you.

In the end it does not matter what you do,
The moment I laid my hands on you,
You became mine.
To do with as I please.

Within my grasp,
My hands curl around your neck.
I tighten slowly, cutting your breath short.
You resist me seeking to live.

But you are scar'd with self inflicted wounds.
Many times you have drawn a blade upon your skin.
Pushed it down and let the blood flow.
And here I stand to end your pain

But still you fight against me.
You claw at my eyes barely able to even see,
It's all falling to black.
Slowly fading away as the blackness takes you.

What do you think at this moment?
This last moment of warmth,
But what does it matter now?
Soon you will lay lifeless within the deep.

So why fight.
Is there something worth living for?
So why are you running?
From all those that would give you the world.

But here is the truth.
You are not within my heart.
This is your own.
And so I let you free of my grasp

I watch as you breath slowly.
Still you cling to life.
Even within this darkness dreary,
There is a light all your own.

You bury yourself in your own grave by simple action.
I will make no claim to perfection.
So why would you need to be?
You need not claim to be anymore than you are.

I'll be here waiting for you.

31 October 2012

The Last step

The Last step.
Enter into the night, but do not go quietly.

Here you stand before eternity,
Staring into the deep.
All things must end,
And thus fade away.

Born into light,
Journey though all the colors.
Experience every shade,
Paint with then your master piece.

There is only one end for you,
And it is yours alone to walk.
The path is clouded in uncertainty,
Save for the last step.

Place your masterwork upon the sky,
Let the world bask in your brilliance.
Within all the worlds majesty,
Yours will forever be unique.

There is nothing to keep,
Nothing that is required in the void.
Venture forever onwards,
Eternity awaits us all.

19 October 2012


For those whom are more than just a pretty face. 

T' would be a lie.
If I was to say I did not desire.
To drink upon the image of you just as you are,
To explore every last corner of your skin with mine,
To have the taste of your lips lingering upon my soul.
I want nothing less from this life.


There is forever more depth to you.
Tis not your eyes,
Nor the sound of your voice,
The scent of your wake,
Or even the allure of your form.
It is the brilliance of your heart alone that has me enraptured.

30 September 2012


For Harleigh, There is a place for your heart, Even if there is not one for mine.

I am the wind.
The world is forever within my reach.
As are you.

I will embrace you,
But I shall not delay your travels.
That is the epitaph of terra.

I bring the discovery of new things,
But you must forge what is needed.
Gather the inferno to be your strength.

I can show you the world,
Though I cannot lead the way.
Follow the starlight.

I will forever welcome you as you are,
Thus I will never seek to wash away your past.
Escape into the oceans deep for that release.

I can push you forever onwards,
But I may not choose your destination.
Ask only thy heart for this.

I am the wind,
There is no horizon that I cannot transcend.
And I am to be yours.

Also, Youtube links

29 August 2012

a Promise

a Promise

These eyes may loose sight of your vision,
My fingers could fall short of your gentle warmth,
One ear after the other will inescapably grow deaf to your melody,
This nose incapable of collecting  even the blurred melange of your wake,
And my lips far too aged to taste the sweetest treasure of your own.

Time will reclaim all that I am.
But my heart will never forget my love for you.

11 July 2012


for Minnoko. Awuoooo.

Night has fallen.
And with it Darkness conquers.

One light stands.
Rising out of the deepest black.
The moon grants us hope.

Shining it's majesty.
Connecting dreams across terra.

Gaze upon the celestial vessel.
Send out your love.
And it will be carried to the stars.

While Luna may never come bearing love for you.
She promises yours will reach it's star.

30 June 2012



From the very first step unto the last,
Forever there will be two companions.
As others come and go,
Their loyalty remains.

One to look forward,
And tell of the wonders ahead.
The other to always remember,
Of all the wonders visited along the way.

As each step is taken,
And for every inch given.
One adventures into the unknown,
And another records a new verse.

Legacy is written in the journey,
From those who have ventured into tomorrow,
Ambitions forged with inexperience,
By those drawn in yesterdays.

For all the future holds,
It cannot last infinite.
As it always comes to an end,
That you alone pen.

But it will be your past,
As the one to stand before time itself.
To carry your great legacy,
Beyond it's own end.

31 May 2012



As the sun first falls,
The beginning is marked.
The tale of tomorrow,
Falls into memory.
The dark reaches out,
Claiming all the yesterdays.
So I shall ascend,
Place myself on top of the world.
So bring on your darkness,
Leave nothing behind.
I will burn my soul brighter,
And bring light into existence.

12 April 2012

After the dark.

After the Dark 
With the days first light,
All the worlds performers rise,
The greatest symphony begins anew.
With each added spark of life,
The vast orchestra gathers,
To deliver us all manner of wondrous sound.
As night would settle,
A whole different hymn fills the air,
Carried along by the wind.
The song of the world,
Continues to surge out to us.
from within this great congregation,
A lone brilliance rise higher.
Unknown to the world,
But known to myself.
The splendor of it all,
Exists to be shared amongst all.
Not for me to alone demand.
The majesty is in the world entire.
And yet I yearn for one song alone.
The steady rhythm of thy heart.

2 April 2012


For Harleigh, Let's you and I make some waves.

Drifting along this ocean calm,
Unchanging seas are my horizon,
Tis quiet this simple life.

But something unfamiliar comes,
Not unseen for what it is,
Though clearly unknown to me.

This storm rises from the distance,
Far enough to be avoided with ease,
Fascination flows over me.

Venturing forward into the wild,
There is no retreat from this storm,
I would have it no other way.

Gale winds push and pull,
Challenging me anew,
This is but the begging of something greater.

My world is changing moment by moment,
Overflowing with its new breath of life,
Calm waters will no longer do.

Surge forward deeper into the mist,
Reaching for an intangible end,
But it's the journey to truly experience.

20 February 2012



Spread your wings and fly,
Take flight into the night sky,
The dawn awaits.

Bring your hopes,
And bring your dreams,
You will have all you will ever need.

The journey ahead will not be easy,
Though if it were,
It'd not be worth any effort.

The first moments are the greatest challenge,
After every step of the journey,
The destination grows closer.

And so as your journey finds it's end,
When you are ever greater,
Hold yourself highest.

Let the first light of day,
Shine it's brilliance upon you,
This day is yours forever.

1 February 2012


For the lives which we become a part of.

It would be the shining gold that catches me first,
Drawing me unto a future unknown,
Changing everything from what it was.

Drifting among the forever lights no more,
Purpose would find me,
Dancing around this glorious light.

She is exactly where I will be,
Her pull is too great to resist,
The azure blue is so inescapable.

Advancing far too near to bare,
The first reception is no cold shoulder,
Burning is my desire to touch with her.

With glowing heat sinking deep within,
I am slowly proving to be no match,
Dwindling down until absence becomes me.

Bursting past the initial encounter,
Little is left of the physical form,
Acceptance asserts itself in my wake.

As I become nothing,
She becomes more,
Together forever,


22 January 2012



We shall rise from nothing.

And to the heavens,
We will struggle to reach.

With everyday we grow greater,
For each moment is a monument,
To the very end of our age.

Let thy epitaph tell all.

From the greatest,
To the very worst,
All of it is your life.

Our struggle comes to an end,
Let loose the mortal coil.

To nothing we all return.

Oh people.

People are, without any doubt, one of the most amazing things we will encounter in our lives. They are easily, also the most terrible. The people I have met have shaped my world. Both in ways that I can look back on and appreciate, and also in many ways I can look back on and understand that there was something to be learned. I am not like many people, and I am sure there are many that are not so different. It is everything that shapes us into the individuals that we are, from the people we interact with to the environment that surrounds us. Always changing, from this day to the next. People are hardly static.

Though I am sure there are arguments against such a claim, I will not believe them. The world we live in, is essentially just a rock hurtling though space at amazing velocities. But on this rock, for each and every single one of us, is our own world. I can only see the world through my senses, and mine alone. The things I experience will not be the same for anyone else. No matter how close our lives are.

It's an interesting concept to me. I have always wondered if the blue I see, is actually the blue another sees. And I don't mean in reference to color blindness or even blindness in any sense. Simply that, the things I am exposed to, how can I ever truly convey my world that it will be understood fully. There are certainly things about other people I will not understand. And I am not talking about women in general. That's a different bag of cookies altogether. But on the same tone, men are hardly any different. There is however, a common reason for it.

Again, The worlds we live in. The world we need not share with anyone, should we choose it. These are the worlds where things are in fact, important. And other things are not even worth the time to think about. So as a result, we have individual wants, and needs. These are our hopes and dreams, our nightmares and horrors. The things we will defend with our lives and the things we will fight to have. The zealots and the passive, we are the people of the world, and this is the rock we exist on.

I understand and accept, that there will always be things that I cannot accept, or understand. That my world is not -the- world, but it will always be mine. I am the protagonist of this story, and everyone else is a supporting character. But not you, You are the protagonist and I am but a supporting character. All of these interconnected lives, on the same path towards the tomorrow we will all live differently. There is no wrong way to do so, but there is also no right way.

We will judge, and we will hate others for their choices, go out of our way to crush the hopes and dreams of people we do not even know. We will also stop and help those that need it. Bring them up from the dirt and dust them off, and send them back into the world standing tall. We are amazing, and we are terrible.

And here I am, passing words off as poetry. But what do you see in the words I wonder?

14 January 2012

As a Lion

As a Lion

As the black crawls among the land,
The land becomes something less,
But also something much more.

The unknown rises for all to see,
Resting upon the path ahead,
Uncertainty thrives anew.

Our world that fades from sight,
And the world before you now,
Divided by you alone.

As so the black grows deeper,
So too will the first light be brighter,
Gather the courage.

Challenge the night,
Set forth into the unknown,
And let nothing stand in your way.