28 November 2011

A beggining

   It was promised that tonight I would finaly get this thing underway, and so here it is in all of its glory or its shame. Hilariously in need of redecorating that will come in time as I grow more familiar with the blogger setup. But for now, It will do.

   We're all builders. Building lives, homes, works of art, stories and even dreams. Building may not always be the word used to describe what we do, but in a way, everything is built up. So here on, there is as it stands today, one promise I will maintain with this blog. At least once a month, I will post a poem of my own creation, though I will probably label them with Wordsmithing. I may also chronicle the adventures and misadventures of my life, including the random trips into games played at the time, or even the reconstruction of frankencar, as the American has called her. These will probably land under Rants. But today we end with the first step. The first of many, but every journey starts with a single step. Find your star to follow, and never stop.

P.S. I typo a lot. It's a terrible shame. But that's life.

The North Star

The North Star 
For Cara the Amazing, even if she doesn't believe me.

It started as the faintest of lights,
But it drew me out unto the night.
Chasing a single star,
When so very many were drawing into sight.

It would be the one,
The only one that would ever matter.
It is but the single one worth my ambition,
Even if it may have no worth for another.

It is the hope,
It is the greatest dream.
A marvelous future,
As of yet unseen.

And so I shall reach out,
Send my hands out into infinity.
If my reach is to fall short,
I shall run in pursuit of destiny.

If you would stand with me,
I will share with you all the glory.
Dare you stand against,
And you will be run through without mercy.

The end is never too far,
With every step it grows ever closer.
And perhaps when this dream is in hand,
I too will shine brighter.