16 November 2013


Color it however you like

If I have no words to share
Then today is not terrible,
Though I may have no ideas to give
This day must not be amazing.

In this silence
Lies not every day,
And within the chorus
We hold entirely too few days. 

Our memories are kept
Holding the music heard,
And forgotten are moments
Abandoned to be without.

Life is not so complicated
That we exist only at our lowest,
Nor are we so terribly amazing
For us to only stand at the peaks.

We just are
For all that we are worthy,
It's just life
And that's all it's meant to be.

12 November 2013

Dreams and memories

I found myself wandering, but without destination.
No idea of where I was, but I was absolutely certain of the truth.
And then, there she was.
She came to me, and I accepted her I to my embrace.

"I miss you." she said quietly.
"I know." I replied.
"But I'm happy to be away from you."
"I know." I said again.
"Please don't ever leave me." she cried into my chest.
"I'll never leave you."

And then I was awake from my dream, and since that night I have not drempt of her.

Dream well, Krisalyn.

1 November 2013


Just be yourself

Let the demons in.
Denying them will only ruin you
And while you busy yourself with running
You only loose sight of yourself.
And they will always be at your heel
You need not love them
They are not here for that
This is the black of your world
That which resists the light
And tears you down 

Though you may not win
When you stand to fight
Your light must outshine them
Reclaim the shadows they cast
Rebuild yourself anew.

Face yourself in the darkest light
Fight to be who you want to be
Accept the darkness as yours
And then let yourself shine
With the all the radiance of your soul

Let the demons in
Return them to yourself
Become again everything you are
And there will never again be fear
Show me the demons that you've got